We shall use power to deliver meaningful change - Muntu

We shall use power to deliver meaningful change - Muntu

Monday 16th November 2020, Presidential Candidate Mugisha Muntu spent his day campaigning in the districts of Rakai and Kyotera. Mugisha Muntu and the campaign team addressed citizens in Kabale sub-county in Rakai district and Kakuto constituency in Kyotera district.


Speaking to organised and attentive groups of residents in the two districts, Mugisha Muntu challenged them to consider two things guiding the current struggle for transformation: 1) what we fighting against, and 2) what we are fighting for (what we would wish to achieve). Through his experience traversing the country, Mugisha Muntu says that Ugandans seem to understand what they are fighting against but pay little attention to what they want to achieve. They are saddened by issues to do with injustice, corruption, unemployment, fake democracy, poverty, and poor health systems, among others.


Incidentally, these are the greatest challenges facing our country, however, they give little attention to how to get out of this cobweb,” Mugisha Muntu says.

Mugisha Muntu told the people of Rakai and Kyotera districts that he deliberately chose the most difficult path, and that is to awaken Ugandans to the two fundamental issues concurrently. This path is boring, unappealing, and difficult, but remains the most obvious and direct route towards political emancipation. He highlighted that in whatever a human being does to solve a problem, they must be guided by the questions of ‘What is the problem’ and ‘how do I get out of it’. Failure to recognise these two guiding points may lock individual(s) in the same problem repeatedly.


Mugisha Muntu urged the people of Rakai and Kyotera to focus on choosing leaders with qualities that can deliver the change they deserve and not just change for the sake of it. “This will help citizens to attain change in the first place, and the leaders elected will use the power vested in them to deliver meaningful change to the nation,” he said.

During this campaign trail, Mugisha Muntu also called upon the citizens to observe the Standard Operating Procedures set by Ministry of Health towards preventing the spread of COVID 19. He urged Ugandans to be conscious and take all preventive measures against the deadly virus.  


He concluded the day by asking the people of Kyotera and Rakai to entrust the disciplined ANT team with leadership of the country come 2021, to transform this nation into one that works for all Ugandans.    

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