Edited by Admin
Fellow Ugandans,
Two  days  ago,  a  number  of FDC  members  and  I  announced  our  decision  to  leave  the  party.  This decision was reached after an extensive consultation process that saw us interact with citizens from 
across  all  sub-regions  of  the  country.  While  the  reasons  for  our  departure  have  been  covered extensively by the print media yesterday, allow me to restate them in brief today.

First, our consultations revealed that the Party was severely divided between those who felt that
the strategy should be defiance only and those who thought it was best to concentrate on Party structural development as a way to enable both consequential civil disobedience and our capacity to compete 
favourably in elections at all levels. We feel that the only practical way to resolve this tension, is for those whose view was voted for by the majority of party delegates to be allowed the space to carry out their agenda unimpeded.
This necessarily means that those of us that are not comfortable with this agenda are faced with two options. We  can either keep within the Party and shut  up about our alternative  strategies, or leave 
the  Party  and  work  with  them  from  the  outside  to  achieve  common  objectives  using  different strategies. Some people have suggested that there is a third option of staying in the party and pushing 
our agenda from the inside. I cannot be party to such underhand methods. As  someone  who  lived  through  that  kind  of internal  friction first  hand  during  my  5-year  tenure  as President, I can authoritatively say it is of no use to anyone. It neither advances the Party nor benefits any of the  warring  groups.  All  it  does, is distract  the entire  opposition  into  spending  our energy on internal power struggles that only benefit those in government.

Lastly, our analysis of the political environment reveals the existence of a vacuum that current political forces ought to reach into, but are not. We are moving into this political arena with the desire to tap 
into this space to further buttress the democratic struggle in Uganda.

Therefore, our departure is in good faith. We believe that this action is mutually beneficial to both the FDC and those of us leaving. In fact, if handled well, this could be the beginning of greater cooperation 
within the opposition. Instead of fighting each other over strategy, our departure will allow the current Party  leadership  to  pursue  its  agenda  unencumbered  while  we  also  pursue  the  same  objectives  in ways we feel better reflect our values. At  the end of the day, we  are all working towards the same goal.
What Next? 
Moving forward, we would like to do the following:

1. Ensure that our departure is as smooth as possible

Both  during  our  consultations  and  consequent  meetings  with  the  FDC  party  leadership,  we  have reiterated our desire to part ways amicably. While the issues that instigated our departure ar
e real, our  commitment  to  a  united  opposition  is  even  more  real.  We  have  communicated  to  the  party leadership the possibility of setting up a joint team to keep dialogue open and will continue to try as much as possible to ensure that there is an open-door policy between us and the FDC.
2. Institute a New Formation

Over the next few weeks, we are going to embark on a participatory process of defining what this new formation stands for ideologically, our core values and our policy positions on various issues. We shall do this through public engagement,  engaging sector experts and ordinary Ugandans in defining the kind of new formation they want. We recognise that since independence, party formation has mostly 
been about reacting to something or someone. We have had political parties formed along faith lines, ethnic lines and even individuals. This new formation is one the rare instances where a political party 
is formed as a result of the combination of nationwide consultations, deep ideological reflection and clear policy positions. Our hope is that we will build an inclusive, forward looking and ideologically defined party. Ugandans are hungry for change. It is time to start defining and being that change.
3. Mobilisation of the People

We have always believed in building grassroot networks as a critical prerequisite for effective political mobilisation.  Today,  we  would  like  to  start  building  towards  that  by  calling  upon  all  like-thinking 
Ugandans to join us. We have developed a provisional web portal specifically for the purpose of connecting with you. To join us, please visit it and leave us your contact details as 
well as your preferred area of contribution to the party. We will use this information to contact you about opportunities to be a part of the new formation. The volunteers that sign up via the portal will 
be the critical link we need to reach those who may not be able to register or access the internet. 
We hope to launch the new formation before 25th December 2018.
At this point, it is important to be clear a bout our vision for the future. We believe that no single party, acting  on  its  own,  can  rescue  our  country  from  the  dangerous  path  we  currently  tread.  We  seek neither  to  undermine  other opposition parties  nor  engage  in  mudslinging.  Uganda  as  it  currently stands can easily plunge into anarchy. People have lost trust in the state. Our health and education sectors  are in  chaos.  There  is  rising  insecurity,  inequality  and  injustice.  The  political  space  in  the country is shrinking by the day and so is the patience of most Ugandans.
For  us  to  de-escalate  the  mounting  tensions,  we  must  be  willing  to  reach  out  beyond  our  parties, communities  and  faiths.  We  must  be  willing  to  recognise  that  One  Uganda  One  People  cannot  be achieved  without  truth  and  justice.  That  peace,  unity  and transformation  cannot  happen  without People’s Power being our power. That when all is said and done, the bodaboda rider has as much claim to this country as the richest businessman. Those born in our ghettos are as much our children as those born in our most expensive suburbs. We all need to work for a country in which when our soldiers fight, they fight for us all, not a chosen few. When our police keep law and order, they should do so as passionately for the  opposition as they do for those in power. We must  recognise that for 
each  of  us,  the  black,  yellow  and  red  stripes  represent  a  place  we  call  home.  We  are  brothers  and sisters,  friends  not  enemies.  Our  new  formation  may  use  strategies  that  are  different  from  other parties, but our goal will be the same: a Uganda that works for us all. In this regard I wish to highlight our commitment to cooperation with democracy-seeking forces as a bedrock for our new formation.
God bless you, and God bless our beloved Nation
Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Mugisha Muntu

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Now that the ANT is here, I will start voting at 30yrs in 2021.

"People first, a new future"

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